Open Source Seed Initiative

Seeds in our catalogue that have been designated open source by the people who bred them and are registered as OSSI-Pledged seeds. See BC Eco Seed Co-op's current OSSI pledged varieties here.
The OSSI Pledge also requires that any subsequent distributions of OSSI seed, or of derivatives bred from OSSI seed, be accompanied by the pledge. In this way, OSSI intends to develop an expanding pool of genetic resources that are available now and in the future for unrestricted use by scientists, farmers, and gardeners. This pledge is a commitment to foster unfettered exchange of germplasm and the freedom to use the material for any purpose, with the single proviso that by accepting the pledge the user commits to allowing others freedom to use the material or derivatives of the material. Use these seeds, breed with them, grow them out and spread them by gift or by sale. They are free of patents and are to be disseminated freely on the condition of honouring the following pledge.
Open Source Seed Initiative Pledge: