Quality Assurance Program Overview

Quality Assurance Program Overview

BC Eco Seed Co-op Quality Assurance Program Overview

BC Eco Seed Co-op members are knowledgeable seed producers committed to assuring and improving the quality of seed by careful record keeping, trialing, following testing procedures, and ongoing education and skill building. Our Quality Assurance Program is a key component of our co-op to ensure we grow and provide seeds to the standard customers and our communities expect.

Fostering Higher Quality

The co-op commits to offer seed equal or higher quality grade as per Canada No.1 seed standard. All seed packaged for sale states the germination rate and date of testing. All seed grown by members for sale through the co-op is carefully maintained with high standards from germination to storage. Beyond maintaining crop agronomic characteristics and traits, some members foster seed crops, working with the plant population to significantly improve crop performance. Selected members also may trial a
certain amount of seed crops per year, supplied by other members. All members continually improve their seed production knowledge and skills. We share new knowledge and help co-create opportunities for us all to benefit on our learning journey.

Crop Production

Seed crops submitted to the co-op are accompanied with sufficient information to establish and ensure the co-op’s reputation for integrity and quality. A crop record template is provided to each member with the requirement to include information including isolation distances, population sizes, selection criteria, and other essential elements to evaluate seed crop quality. The co-op adopted reference guidelines to
determine the adequacy of the isolation distances and population size of seed crops which are provided to all members. The BCESC reserves the right to diverge from the adopted references to acknowledge the reality and experience of our producers. The BCESC (Quality Assurance Committee and/or Coordinator) may request further information regarding a submitted crop if the crop records do not include adequate information, or information that does not indicate quality standards have been met.
The co-op reserves the right to decline the acceptance of a submitted crop if above described concerns cannot be addressed.

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2023 

Testing Protocols

All seed sold through the co-op is tested as follows prior to its release for sale:
● Germination Rate: Performed following standardized protocol allowing accurate and consistent results and recording of all testing procedures.
● Purity Testing: The percentage of unwanted seed and other undesirable material in the seed lot. Members will be notified if their seed lot purity is deemed too low and will be offered support from the co-op to remediate the situation.
● Pathology Monitoring/Testing: Performed when needed, based on production observation report or concerns raised from seed lot observation.
● Seed Vigor Testing: Currently under investigation as to determine under which circumstance this would be applied and following which protocol.

If Members’ Seed Does Not Meet Standards

If a seed crop from a member does not meet standards the co-op may be able to further clean the seed in question with equipment onsite and retest. Additionally, the co-op can discuss with members any quality requirements the member may be having challenges meeting. The co-op recognizes having history growing seeds in a location with monitoring over multiple years can share qualitative information that the requirements of set distance may not account for.

Quality Assurance Program Exception

Ultimately seed traded amongst members and seed marketed for sale will meet the same standards. Any seed traded internally between members that do not meet the co-op’s Quality Assurance Program is accompanied with transparent records clearly stating what the non-compliances are and the rationale for any non-compliance. Any such seed is clearly labeled “not releasable for sale”.

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2023

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