Our online store is open around the clock but we love engaging with our customers and supporters, here's where you can find us this spring
February 12
Creston Seedy Sunday - 11am - 2pm
Creston and District Community Complex, 312 – 19th Avenue N
Info table and seeds
February 18
Victoria Seedy Saturday - 10am - 4pm
Victoria Conference Centre, 720 Douglas Street
Info table
February 25
COABC Conference
Coast Bastion, Nanaimo
Info table and co-hosting seed swap table with UBC Farm
Rossland Seedy Saturday
Info table and seeds
February 26
Kalso Seedy Saturday
Info table and seeds
March 4
Richmond Seedy Sunday - 10am - 2pm
Thompson Community Centre
Info table
March 5
Nanaimo Seedy Sunday - 10am - 3pm
Nanaimo District Secondary School
Info table and seeds
March 7
New Denver Seedy Saturday
Info table and seeds
March 18
Nelson Seedy Saturday - 10am - 2pm
Nelson Chamber of Commerce
May 13
Langley Seedy Saturday - 1pm - 4pm
Langley Demonstration Garden, in the Derek Doubleday Arboretum