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Mercy’s Mushrooms

Mushroom spawn

6 months to one year for first fruiting

Certified Organic

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 CAD
Sale Not Currently Available

Pleurotus ostreatus var. columbinus

Shipping is included in the product price.

This productive and beautiful oyster mushroom strain is shipped as mycelium on hardwood dowels, which offers the easiest way to make mushroom logs at home. Simply drill holes in a freshly cut hardwood log, gently tap one dowel into each hole with a hammer, then coat each filled hole with a small amount of melted wax to seal. Oyster mushrooms will fruit directly from your log as soon as six months after planting and can continue to fruit seasonally for four or more years with proper care.

Although oyster mushrooms are a very adaptable species, for best results try using wood from poplar trees (aspen or cottonwood), birch, maple, alder, or other hardwood deciduous trees. For highest yields, cut when the wood is dormant (between late fall and early spring) and don't leave cut wood for more than two months before inoculating with dowel spawn. Keep inoculated logs out of direct sun, with access to natural water (or occasionally water with a sprinkler or drip line). Once colonized, oyster mushroom logs will fruit naturally in the late spring and early fall, when daytime temperatures are around 20C and the air is moist.

Oyster mushrooms are a favourite in Asian cuisine and beyond, with a gentle chewiness reminiscent of seafood. Harvest when caps are still downturned at the edges for best taste and texture.

Logs, wax and additional tools not included. Read our full instructions for a successful grow!

Product ships separately from other items from BCESC. 

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